The new product controls all types of slugs and snails in all crops, horticulture and the home garden and can be spread by hand, mechanical spreaders or by air, the company says.
Scientists at Frunol Delicia in Germany have devised a patented thin disc preparation (lentil shaped) that enables even small snails and slugs to nibble the bait pellet.
The active ingredient metaldehyde works on mucous secretion to cause desiccation but also immobilises snails and slugs through effects on the nervous system.
Key Industries says Delicia Sluggoff Lentil bait has a 3 per cent concentration of metaldehyde while other commercially available
baits are typically 1.5 per cent or 5 per cent.
Sluggoff lentil bait is used at a lower application rate than the 5 per cent product and at much lower rates than the 1.5 per cent product.
"The bait is so effective that lower total chemical usage is achieved without loss of effectiveness. It only needs 3 kg per hectare
for broad acre application, which is much lower than the recommended and legally permitted rates for most other products.
"Thus, the cost of control and spreading per hectare is reduced.”
Delicia Sluggoff Lentil bait is packaged in plastic re-sealable bags, available in 3 kg and 8 kg sizes, ideal pack sizes for all applicators.
Sluggoff contains the bittering agent Bitrex to minimise non-target uptake.
For more detail phone 0800 539463 or visit