NovaChem > Industry News > 2024 > ‘Right decision’ – growers welcome hydrogen cyanamide ruling

‘Right decision’ – growers welcome hydrogen cyanamide ruling

Published on 26/07/2024

But it has come at a cost.
That’s according to New Zea
land Kiwifruit Growers (NZKGI) CEO Colin Bond, who says the decision speaks volumes for the industry’s collaborative response through many years of hard work.
NZKGI led the industry to advo
cate strongly for the retention of Hi-Cane since the EPA’s call for information on the chemical in 2019.

A ban would have had a massive
impact on many growers’ businesses and the communities that are reliant on the industry.

“The announcement of the re
tention of hydrogen cyanamide comes with some new controls, and we will now analyse the impact of these restrictions and consult with you on this in the near future,” Colin Bond told growers.

“Unfortunately, this reassess
ment has been a marathon, costing our small advocacy organization most of our retained earnings to fight.

“The doubt that has been cast
on our industry over the last several years has had serious consequences on the well-being of our growers as well as creating financial uncertainty across the industry,” Bond says.

“Orchard prices have dropped
significantly throughout the assessment, which will be partially attributable to the risk felt by investors.

“The reassessment would have
no doubt inhibited growth at a time when export earnings are critical for our national economy.”

An independent economic re
port commissioned by NZKGI found that banning Hi-Cane in NZ would have a significant impact on the economy including Māori growers and their communities.

These concerns were voiced
clearly by growers at the hearing on the reassessment, Bond says.
The initial reason that the EPA wanted a reassessment and proposed a phase out of hydrogen cyanamide was due to human health concerns.
Based on overseas information, the EPA was concerned that the chemical had carcinogenic properties.
However, evidence provided to, and accepted by, the EPA has shown that this is not the case.
“Despite these findings, the EPA continued with its reassessment and proposed a phase out of the chemical, albeit over a longer period than initially recommended, due to concerns that Hi-Cane is harmful to birds and some soil organisms.”
However, expert reports stated that the EPA’s risk assessments relating to birds and soil organisms were overly conservative and this is backed up by grower observations.
“The EPA's reassessment process has been arduous for us all,” Bond says.
Throughout the call for information on the reassessment, the EPA recognized that their models were out of date. 
NZKGI will now begin conversations with the EPA around improving their processes.“
Despite the decision, we will continue to protect our workers and environment and we are committed to an ongoing programme of continuous improvement and best practice that focuses on safe spraying practices both from a human and environmental health perspective,” Bond says.
The industry has adopted a coordinated approach to maintain safe spraying practice over many years, mandating low-drift technologies in relation to buffer zones and going above and beyond the required standards.
“In addition, we have engaged with the communities in which we live and work, including an education programme, so that people who have remaining concerns can get a better understanding of the chemical.”

  • The reassessment was triggered by a request to the EPA in February 2019 from John Levers, owner of Puketotara Lodge in Kerikeri. He claimed none of the controls for use of Hi-Cane was followed by local users; that it caused severe depression; was deadly to dogs, eels and ducks; and that Kerikeri’s reputation as the cancer capital of NZ was caused by the reckless spray practices of the kiwifruit industry.

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